Current Initiatives

Message in A Bottle - Supporting those in need

Do you recognise this bottle? It can be a lifesaver. This is the Bottle In The Fridge distributed by Thanet Lions for free. This is essentially an information storage system in a plastic bottle which is kept in the refridgerator and is particularly recomended for the elderly and vulnerable members of our society. Emergency services recognise the system as a first point of access in times of need.

HAVE YOU GOT THE BOTTLE? Available from Age Concern and various pharmacies and GP surgeries. For further information contact Bob or Jacquie Prebble on Tel. 0345 8339532

Valuing the young of our community


LEO stands for Leadership Experience Opportunity. Thanet Lions Club today presented the official “Charter” or Certificate of Organisation to mark the formation of a new LEO CLUB at St Georges School. Pupils at the School join the Leo Club so that they can take part in community service or fund raising. This can be within the School community or outside. Already the Leos helped the Thanet Lions last year by organising a tea party and entertainment for senior citizens visiting from Elham Valley.

For doing community service hours the pupils will qualify for awards for the Young Leaders In Service scheme operated by the Lions. This is an added bonus for the pupils CV.

Leos also learn about organising events and their own meetings. All good practice for the future.

Young Leaders in Service

The Young Leaders in Service Award is an award that recognises young people who provide significant levels of service to their communities. Lions Clubs identify appropriate young people through their Clubs or through Youth Organisations and enter them onto the programme usually through issuing a descriptive leaflet and a Log Book in which to record their service.These are available from the Regional Coordinators for Service and Youth.

The full details of the Gold and Silver Awards for 100 hours and 50 hours of service respectively are available on the MD website, / Youth/Young Leaders in Service and these awards are recognized by a certificate sent by Lions International Headquarters in Oakbrook, USA.

In District SE we also make a Bronze award for 25 hours service and this certificate is issued by District SE. All completed and signed-off Logbooks for all awards should be sent to the Young Leader in Service Support Officer Lion Sally Marsh, Moonrakers, 7 Church Lane, Wivelsfield, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17 7RD.

We also have a Registration Form which may be used for all entries.

Registration Form - Click Here

Supporting those less fortunate in other parts of the world

Belarus 'shoe box' appeal

The Lions Belarus Trust is a fund formed to give ongoing support and assistance to Families, Schools, Orphanages and Organisations in the Gomel Region of Belarus affected by the Chernobyl Power Station Disaster in 1986.The Shoe Box appeal is associated with this Trust and Lions organize the collection of much needed goods for children in Belarus each year and they are packaged and despatched by lorry and distributed direct to families, schools and orphanages in the Gomel Region of Belarus annually by a dedicated team of volunteers.


MedicAlert is a Lions sponsored Charitable Company. It promotes and encourages the supply of a necklace or bracelet to be worn by anyone who suffers from a medical condition to alert paramedics and doctors in an emergency situation.


A District 105SE project to provide financial support to the Blood Research Laboratory at Kings College Hospital, London, which is a centre of excellence for research into Leukaemia, Sickle Cell Disease, Haemophilia and other blood disorders.


A programme, pioneered in District 105 SE, to increase awareness of the need for regular eye examinations for the “over forties” and other groups at risk of glaucoma and diabetes.


Coordinated by Chichester Lions Club, District 105SE has become a leader in the recycling of used spectacles in the developing world through its association with Medico France


This was launched in February 2012. Lions in our district pledged to raise £250,000 over 10 years to provide specialist night flying equipment. This enables the helicopter to operate during the hours of darkness.